Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mama Beth.. in her own words about "Hope"

Mama Beth, the headmistress of Hope preschool; in her own words regarding what "Hope" means to her:- It means working hard to earn a preschool teaching certificate with help from sponsors. It means waking up early every morning to work with kids and parents - teaching basic life skills, literacy and what it means to be a Christ follower. Most important, it means having a predictable job and being able to pay school fees for daughter Michelle, who is a high school student at Vulya Girls High School, in Machakos, Kenya. And lastly, it means having the opportunity to help and mentor young student teachers as they volunteer at Hope preschool, working hard to complete their studies and perhaps start their own preschools since jobs are hard to find in Kenya. Hope Kenya is proud to walk alongside Beth as she leads her community in the long journey out of poverty.

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